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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Things Keep in Mind When Using Forms on Your Blog

Things to Keep in Mind When Using Forms on Your Blog

Effective use of webforms opens up many possibilities for bloggers and other webmasters alike. Good webforms help collect data from your users and can manage mailing list or blog update sign-ups. Here are several items and tips to keep in mind when adding forms to your blog. These items will greatly help you increase your blog’s accessibility and usability for your readers.

    It’s ok to use a captcha image to prevent spam, but don’t make the verification a major pain for users. If your readers can’t get the captcha right within 2 tries, they will go elsewhere. It is best to shy away from the interactive verifications that involve adding numbers or answering questions about the color of the sky. Stick to a short and fairly easy to ready combination of letters and/or numbers.
    Keep your forms simple. If you have no reason to know a user’s address, don’t include the field. Even if the field is not required for submission, it will just cause unnecessary clutter for your readers. Also, make sure that required fields are clearly marked so readers can fill each in the first time around.
    Keep privacy in mind. Many people are very nervous (rightfully so) about their privacy online. Unless you really need the extra information, try to keep your forms free of any fields that ask for private information like addresses or phone numbers. Even if these fields aren’t required, they can scare nervous users off. If you can get by with a first name and an email address…do it.
    Don’t include unnecessary buttons. Most forms require only one button, Submit. Users can delete information or reload the form themselves…they don’t need a clear button to do it. Plus, few things are more frustrating than accidentally hitting that clear button when you mean to hit submit!
    Make the form fields big enough to show what the user is typing. It is better to make the fields a little larger than you think they need to be than for them to be too small. It is very annoying for visitors to not be able to see what they have typed into a field.
    Finally, make sure you provide some sort of confirmation that the form submitted successfully. Even a very simple notice on the screen will suffice. Users just want to know that it went through correctly.

These are just a few ideas, so please feel free to add any others that you can think of.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Goolgle Brthday 13 th Anniversery

Goolgle Brthday 13 th Anniversery
13 Years of Enjoy Google bests Services
Happy Birthday Google
And Best Off Luck All Google Team Doing a Great Job

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Acne Tips

Treating Acne| Acne Tips
Some of the best acne tips are based on prevention. After all, it is easier to prevent acne than it is to fix pimples once they have erupted. Here are a few things you can try right now to avoid problems later on.

    Use an aspirin mask. Crush up some uncoated aspirin tablets, mix with enough water to make a paste, and apply a thin layer to your face for about ten minutes. The salicylic acid in aspirin cleans the pores and can even help fade pimple scars. Be advised that small amounts of aspirin may be absorbed into the bloodstream using this method so consult your doctor before trying.
    Keep your face clean, but don’t overdo it. Everyone knows that you should wash your face, but some people use too many harsh chemicals that can actually irritate the skin and make acne worse. If you strip all the oil from your face, your skin will make even more oil to make up for it so stick with gentle cleansers and avoid products that contain alcohol. Always wash your face before bed if you are wearing makeup, no matter how tired you are.
    Drink plenty of water. Many people with great skin swear this is the secret, and there is scientific proof that drinking lots of water really can help your complexion by keeping the skin hydrated.

Treating Acne Tips
Most of the acne tips we hear involve treatment, and there is a disproportionate amount of false information about acne treatment. Treating acne depends on the type, severity, and each person’s individual body chemistry. Here are a few general guidelines:

    For smaller breakouts, spot treatment is a great option because only the affected area is exposed to harsh chemicals rather than your entire face. It may take some experimenting, but products containing benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, or salicylic acid generally have the most success. There are also a number of natural acne treatment home remedies outlined on this site that work for some people.
    Severe acne sufferers may need to see a dermatologist about getting prescription acne medication. Differin, Accutane, Tazorac, Retin-A, and Spironolactone are all medicines that enjoy a great reputation for clearing up acne.
    Hormonal acne generally needs to be dealt with internally. Certain types of birth control pills can give good results in clearing hormonal acne. This course of treatment should only be done with a doctor’s supervision.

How to Get Rid of Pimples | Acne Tips

How to Get Rid of Pimples
Waking up in the morning to discover a new pimple will leave many people searching for a solution on how to get rid of pimples. Everyone has a different method and many home remedies, however there are a few ways to get rid of pimples that are universally accepted as being effective.

A pimple results when a pore on your skin is blocked. This blockage usually results from dead skin cells, dirt, or excess oil. The blocked pore can easily become swollen or inflamed. Pimples commonly fill with pus, making them uncomfortable and very unsightly. The best solution for how to get rid of pimples is simply to prevent them from occurring. Since pimples are primarily caused by dead skin cells, dirt, and oil, it may be possible to eliminate or lessen their occurrence through dedicated facial cleansing and care.

Choose a gentle, pH balanced face wash. Many companies have specific cleansers available to help prevent and treat pimples. Ingredients such as beta hydroxy acid (BHA) and salicylic acid can help breakouts at bay. In addition, you will also want to purchase a mild toner and an oil free moisturizer. Beware of harsh toners because they can strip your skin of its natural oils and lead to other problems.

Cleanse your face twice each day, in the morning and in the evening. After washing, apply the toner with a cotton ball. Wait a few minutes and moisturize your face. Using a moisturizer will keep your skin from drying out too much. Dry skin will produce more oil which can result in more pimples. Even if your skin is oily, you should make an effort to use moisturizer for that reason. Look for a light moisturizer that is labels as non-comedogenic to be sure it won’t clog your pores.

Some people have very sensitive skin that can easily be irritated by the use of cleansers. If you are unable to find a gentle cleanser that doesn’t irritate your skin, you may want to try washing your face using only water. Water can serve as an excellent, non-irritating cleanser when used alone. You will still need to use a gentle soap to remove makeup, however. One excellent choice when it comes to soap for sensitive skin on the face is Pears Original Transparent Soap.

Additionally, you need to keep your face from excessive contact with dirt and oil. Pillowcases and bed sheets quickly collect dead skin cells, oil, and dirt. Change your pillowcase regularly to keep oil and dirt from transferring back onto your skin. Some find that changing their pillow cases daily can play a huge role in getting rid of pimples. You also need to keep your phone clean. Wipe your phone down daily, especially the part that comes into contact with the side of your face while talking. If you use a shared phone at work, try to wipe it down with antibacterial wipes regularly.

Should prevention prove unsuccessful and a pimple does appear, some spot treatments can help to quickly eliminate the pimple. Try applying tea tree oil directly to the pimple. Tea tree oil is a strong, natural antiseptic that can help to kill the bacteria that caused the pimple. There are also commercially prepared tea tree oil acne treatments. You can also use products that contain benzoyl peroxide or sulfur to help clear up pimples. Try not to pop pimples as this can lead to pimple scars.

The best way to get rid of pimples is to prevent them in the first place. That’s why so many acne tips focus on prevention. Careful facial cleansing and care can greatly reduce the occurrence of pimples. This is something you must be very conscientious about. It requires a small amount of daily effort but in the long run you will be rewarded with clearer, more beautiful skin.

Chest Acne Treatment and Prevention

Chest Acne Treatment and Prevention
One type of acne that doesn’t seem to get as much attention as the others is chest acne. It is easy to find information on facial acne and even back acne but acne on the chest is largely ignored. This is a very specific type of acne that has different causes and requires slightly different treatment than facial acne does.

In order to find the right chest acne treatment, it is important to consider the cause. All types of acne are related to clogged pores but pores can become clogged for different reasons. In the chest area, sweating is a common culprit of clogged pores. Both men and women naturally sweat in the chest area but women in particular suffer from this problem as a result of sweat becoming trapped inside of cleavage. For this reason back and chest acne strikes women more often than men.

The best way to treat chest and back acne caused by sweating is to avoid situations where sweat is allowed to rest on the skin for long periods of time. If you have determined that breakouts on your chest seem to follow workouts, you will have to be vigilant. This means taking a shower immediately afterward. You may want to consider showering at the gym if you don’t already. You should also always bring a dry change of clothes with you, even when you are not working out. If you are going to spend time outdoors in the heat for any reason, always have a fresh shirt on hand to change into when you notice yourself getting sweaty. Also, be sure to bring a towel to dry off the sweat. This should lead to a drastic reduction in chest pimples.

You should also make wise choices when it comes to materials if you are prone to sweating. Look for light, airy fabrics. Cotton is the most breathable material. You can also buy workout clothes specifically designed to whisk sweat away from the body. These can really make a big difference if sweating is the cause of your problem. In particular, avoid wearing very tight clothes that don’t allow the skin to breathe.

If you’re not particularly active and still get more than your fair share of chest pimples, it’s possible that you have a slight hormonal imbalance. Too much androgen, which is a male hormone but is also present in women, can cause oil glands to go into overdrive. This usually affects other parts of the body and face as well, so if you suspect this is the problem you should consult with a dermatologist. A hormonal imbalance is best treated internally using prescription medication.

If you’ve ruled out sweating and a hormonal imbalance, you might want to look at what products come into contact with the skin on your chest. Lotions and oils are notorious for leading to clogged pores. Suntan oils and creams in particular can cause chest breakouts so try switching to oil-free formulations and see if the situation improves. Avoid using perfumes as well. Although spray perfumes don’t usually clog pores, you could be experiencing an allergic reaction that looks like acne. You might also want to switch detergents to a type formulated for sensitive skin to rule this out as another possible cause.

In any case, try to resist the temptation to pop chest pimples because this can lead to infections and even scars. It is a lot easier to treat it when it’s in the acne stage than it is to get rid of chest acne scars. Regardless of the cause, it’s a good idea to use an anti-bacterial soap when washing the area and then dry it thoroughly. Topical treatments such as benzoyl peroxide creams can also be used but be sure to let them dry completely before getting dressed.

Having acne in the chest area can be embarrassing but solving it is fairly straightforward if you follow the above acne tips. Keep the area dry, avoid tight clothes, and stay away from perfumes and oils and you should notice a much clearer chest in no time.

Acne Tips | Tea Tree Oil For Acne

Acne Tips | Tea Tree Oil For Acne
You may have seen tea tree oil acne products in the store and wondered what exactly this ingredient does. Tea tree oil enjoys a fantastic reputation as a natural acne treatment, but is it really effective? Treatments for acne can be very expensive and most of them are full of harsh chemicals. More and more often, people are seeking home remedies for acne in their quest for a clearer complexion. Tea tree oil has recently emerged as a strong player in the holistic acne cure scene. This essential oil, which is derived from the leaves of the tea tree and is prevalent in Australia, is well-regarded for its antiseptic qualities and has been used to successfully treat conditions ranging from from acne to athlete’s foot to MRSA to herpes. This oil is an all-star when it comes to killing germs including the ones that cause acne.

A lot of people have reported great results using tea tree oil for acne and it is often included in many acne tips. It is very simple to use. You only need to apply a small amount directly on the blemish using a cotton swab. It can be very strong and drying so it’s better if you dilute first with a bit of water, vitamin E oil, or aloe vera gel. It is also very effective at healing acne scars, although it may take some time before you see any results. Studies have shown this home acne remedy is actually just as effective at treating acne as benzoyl peroxide while being much less irritating, which makes it an ideal treatment for people who have had bad reactions to benzoyl peroxide in the past.

In addition to using tea tree oil straight up, you can also find skincare products that contain it as an ingredient. Many natural skincare products found in health stores feature this highly effective ingredient. You can find tea tree oil acne products such as toners, cleansers, and acne spot treatments. It has a very distinctive smell that is clean, herbal, and almost medicinal and the smell can linger for a while. Some people find the fragrance to be pleasant and it is featured in many of the shampoos that create a “tingling” effect on the scalp.

When taking tea tree oil, there are a few precautions that should be followed. The pure oil is very strong and should never be applied directly to the skin without diluting it first. Do not take it internally because it can be toxic if ingested. It can be irritating so don’t use it more than twice per day. Despite being classified as an oil, it is surprisingly drying so be sure to keep the area moisturized to avoid chemical burns and flaking or dryness. Pregnant or nursing women should never use this or any other essential oil, nor should it be used on children or pets.

Natural tea tree oil acne products are a great introduction to using this oil. Because these products contain other ingredients as well, it is much gentler than using the oil solo and less likely to lead to a reaction. Many people find it best to combine daily use of a tea tree oil face wash for maintenance and reserving use of the tea tree essential oil as a spot treatment. Play around with it and find out what works best for you.

On the whole, a lot of people have had incredible results with this essential oil for acne. Just remember if you have sensitive skin to exercise caution to avoid the possibility of chemical burns because of its strength. Start out by using it once every other day before slowly working your way up to daily or twice daily as your skin builds up a tolerance to it. If you are unsure about using this or have any medical conditions, it is a good idea to check with your doctor before trying any tea tree oil acne treatment. Usually people notice an improvement within a few weeks after beginning to use tea tree oil for acne. If you don’t make any progress by then, it just may not be suited to your skin type or your particular type of acne so discontinue use and try a different method.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Accounting Methods For Your LLC

Accounting Methods For Your LLC

Keeping up with your accounting is an important part of any business. Your LLC cannot thrive if you don't have a solid method to track your income and expenses. The two principal methods are the cash method and the accrual method (sometimes called cash basis and accrual basis). Before you can choose the right method for your LLC, you should know the advantages and disadvantages of both. The two methods don't change your income or your expenses, just the timing on when they are credited and debited to your accounts.
The cash method is the method used more commonly by small businesses like your LLC. If your limited liability company uses the cash method you will not count income until you have received the actual cash or check, and you will not count expenses until they are paid.
If you opt to use the accrual method when you form an LLC, you will record entries a bit differently. Using the accrual method, income is counted when you make the sale and your expenses are recorded when you receive goods or services. You are not waiting until you receive or make payment before recording the transaction. Let's take a look at a couple of examples.
Income. Your landscaping LLC completes a job in June but the client does not send you a check until September. Under the accrual method you would record the income in June. But, with the cash method, you would not record the income until you received payment in September.
Expenses. You purchase a new computer for your LLC in March and pay for it in May. Under the accrual method you record the expense in March when you took possession of the computer. If your business uses the cash method you would record the expense when you make the payment in May.
If you choose the accrual method for your LLC how do you determine the transaction date? It can be difficult if the sale occurs on one date but it takes time to complete the job. You record income when you complete the service or deliver all the goods. The same applies for expenses. You record the expense once the service has been completed or all goods have been received and installed, if necessary.
If your LLC (or corporation) has sales of less than $5 million per year, you can choose to practice either accounting method. However, you must use the accrual method if:
• You have sales greater than $5 million per year
• You stock inventory that you will sell to the public and your gross receipts are greater than $1 million per year.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods. The accrual method is great for a big picture view of income and debts but could mask a cash flow problem. In reverse, if your LLC uses the cash method you may have a good accounting of cash on hand but you have to be cautious of painting a misleading picture of your long term profitability.
Your taxes are impacted based on which method your LLC uses. If you incur expenses in one year but do not pay them until the next year, under the cash method you would have to wait until the year you paid the expense to take the deduction. If your limited liability company opts to use the accrual method, you could claim the deduction in the same year you incurred the expense even if you do not pay the expense until the following year.
Click here to learn more about forming an LLC:
By Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas: Mark has served in various roles in corporate America over the last 25 years, most notably in charge of large organizations with over 1000 employees. During this time, he has also owned several small businesses and has developed a keep awareness of how different the two worlds are and the special challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Because of his background, Mark is able to bring a unique perspective to new business owners and his addition to our team has all of us excited. Look for his posts to cover anything and everything related to business. He has also said that he is looking forward to hearing questions and comments from you, so please leave comments!
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Accounting Methods

Accounting Methods

An accounting method is the method that a company or individual chooses to book transactions and prepare financial statements. There are two types of accounting methods: cash basis and accrual accounting. The main difference between the two is the way the company books the receipt of and the paying of cash from the business. The choice of accounting method can lead to very different looking financial statements.
Cash basis accounting
Companies that use the cash basis accounting method book their income when they actually receive the cash and not when they conduct the transaction. They also book expenses when they physically pay the cash rather than when the transaction was conducted. Let's take a look at an example; Company A uses the cash basis accounting method. They enter into a contract to buy 100 widgets for $1 each on May 1st. The widgets are delivered the same day but the invoice is not due until May 31st. In this example, May 1st is the date they entered into the contract and received the goods, while May 31st is the date that will actually be recorded in the accounting books of the company since that is the date they actually paid the cash. Cash in this sense does not only mean the paper money, it means any liquid (easily transferable, widely accepted form of payment) form of payment which can include checks, and other liquid financial instruments. Usually one will find sole proprietors and other small companies employing the cash basis accounting method.
Accrual accounting
Companies that use accrual accounting method book their income on the date of the transaction rather than the date of receipt of cash. They also book their expenses on the date of the transaction rather than the date of payment of cash. In other words, the company would record the transaction when the work was completed and not when the payment was made. Using the same example above, if Company A used the accrual accounting method it would book the expense on the date it entered into the contract and received the widgets- May 1st. It would still make the payment on May 31st as instructed in the invoice. Medium to large sized companies usually use the accrual accounting method. This method is best suited to meet the GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).
The impact of each method on financial statements
Depending on which accounting method a company uses, the financial statements can look quite different. The difference comes when there is a difference in the period of receipt/ payment of cash and the period of the completion of the transaction.
In cash basis accounting the income and expenses are rarely matched every month. It is harder to track the differences than in accrual accounting. For example, Company A can enter into a contract to buy 100 widgets on December 20th and receive them the same day. Company A would then make the payment on January 10th the following year. In this case there is a difference in the month of the transaction and in some cases (depending on the fiscal year- more on that in another article) there is a difference in the year of the transaction as well. Company A would receive the goods on December 20th and record the transaction on January 10th. This affects the tax bill as well (in some cases positively, in other cases negatively). There is another possible benefit in employing cash basis accounting. This accounting method is very good in keeping track of cash.
In accrual accounting, the company is able to match income and expenses which allows it to keep track of and have a better understanding of the health of the business. Using the same example of Company A, we can see that the transaction would be recorded on December 20th (not January 10th). The company would make entries in expectance of the payment on January 10th. This way, at the end of the year the company and its stakeholders have a better understanding of the health of the company. However, in this method the company has to engage in some extra procedures to track its cash movements.
There are a few other ways that the two methods impact the financial statements of companies, but these are out of the scope of this article as this was only meant as a primer into the subject.
Zeshan Momin has considerable experience in Accounting and Finance. He is a consultant that helps companies manage their foreign exchange risk exposure. His other interests are electronics, specifically electric testing products like the Fluke 87.
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Advantages of Factoring Companies to Business

Advantages of Factoring Companies to Business
By Factoring is also termed "debt factoring" or "invoice factoring". This is a type of business financing where firms whether small business or start-ups sell their invoices to a third party. The third party would then process their invoices and allow the former to get their revenues before actual payment has been made to them by their clients. This is the factoring business in a capsule.

Factoring companies give businesses a massive and immediate boost in their cash flow. This is very important for companies who didn't start with a huge working capital.

Some of its advantages are:

• It is an inexpensive way to outsource sales ledger thus giving the proprietor more time to oversee the business operation.

• Cash flow and financial planning systems of a company run smoothly.

• Customers give high regards to factors thus they pay up their debts quickly.

• Factors may also loop you into some useful information about your customers like their credit standing. This allows you to position and negotiate better terms with your suppliers.

• Factors provide quick cash access as soon as the receivables are invoiced.

• Factoring companies can be maximized as a good resource for business expansion.

• Factors may also help you avert bad debts through non-recourse factoring.

Now if you find that your business needs some or all of the service benefits derived from invoice factoring, then let's find out what factors consider before they take a firm into their account.

Generally, the requirements to apply for a factoring service vary per companies. We can only provide an indication that a firm qualifies as there is no rigid list. There are even circumstances that a firm who did not meet any of the indication was still able to get a factoring account.

Most of the firms that factors work with are those with at least an annual turn over of £50,000. Of course, there is consideration to this. They might also work with start-ups and smaller business. Factors also prefer of the firm has a relatively huge or diverse customer base. They may not be as generous in terms of funding if let's say, the firm's customer base is highly monopolized or dominated by a single customer. Next, the firm's debt must be simple and non-contractual and can easily be proven. Lastly, the firm must preferably have low levels of debt not less than 90 days over due.

There are things that diminish one's appeal to factoring companies. One is the firm's involvement in public sales. Only sales for commercial customers are preferred. Too many small invoices, disputes and queries harm a firm's standing in the eyes of factors. They also inspect firms to see if they characterize a sound, reputable and trustworthy company. If the firm interested in factoring has a questionable reputation then no agreement would be reached. Complicated contractual terms or warranty stipulations may also disqualify the interested firm.

To further explore business factoring, Aaron A. Almus recommends you to browse through

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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Top 10 Student Loan Tips for Recent Graduates

Top 10 Student Loan Tips for Recent Graduates | Student Loan
Whether you just graduated, are taking a break from school, or have already started repaying your student loans, these tips will help you keep your student loan debt under control. That means avoiding fees and extra interest costs, keeping your payments affordable, and protecting your credit rating. If you're having trouble finding a job or keeping up with your payments, there's important information here for you, too.

1. Know Your Loans: It's important to keep track of the lender, balance, and repayment status for each of your student loans. These details determine your options for loan repayment and forgiveness. If you're not sure, ask your lender or visit You can log in and see the loan amounts, lender(s), and repayment status for all of your federal loans. If some of your loans aren't listed, they're probably private (non-federal) loans.  For those, try to find a recent billing statement and/or the original paperwork that you signed. Contact your school if you can't locate any records.

2. Know Your Grace Period: Different loans have different grace periods. A grace period is how long you can wait after leaving school before you have to make your first payment. It's six months for federal Stafford loans, but nine months for federal Perkins loans. For federal PLUS loans, it depends on when they were issued (see details). The grace periods for private student loans vary, so consult your paperwork or contact your lender to find out.  Don't miss your first payment!

3. Stay in Touch with Your Lender: Whenever you move or change your phone number or email address, tell your lender right away. If your lender needs to contact you and your information isn't current, it can end up costing you a bundle. Open and read every piece of mail - paper or electronic - that you receive about your student loans. If you're getting unwanted calls from your lender or a collection agency, don't stick your head in the sand - talk to your lender! Lenders are supposed to work with borrowers to resolve problems, and collection agencies have to follow certain rules. Ignoring bills or serious problems can lead to default, which has severe, long-term consequences (see tip 6 for more about default.)

4. Pick the Right Repayment Option: When your federal loans come due, your loan payments will automatically be based on a standard 10-year repayment plan. If the standard payment is going to be hard for you to cover, there are other options, and you can change plans down the line if you want or need to. Extending your repayment period beyond 10 years can lower your monthly payments, but you'll end up paying more interest - often a lot more -over the life of the loan. One important option is the Income-Based Repayment program. It can cap your monthly payments at a reasonable percentage of your income each year, and forgive any debt remaining after 25 years of affordable payments. Forgiveness may be available after just 10 years of these payments for borrowers in the public and nonprofit sectors (see tip 10 below). To find out more about Income-Based Repayment and how it might work for you, visit

Private loans are not eligible for IBR or the other federal loan payment plans, deferments, forbearances, or forgiveness programs.  However, the lender may offer some type of forbearance, typically for a fee, or you may be able to make interest-only payments for some period of time. Read your original private loan paperwork carefully and then talk to the lender about what repayment options you may have.

5. Don't Panic: If you're having trouble making payments because of unemployment, health problems, or other unexpected financial challenges, remember that you have options for managing your federal student loans. There are legitimate ways to temporarily postpone your federal loan payments, such as deferments and forbearance. For example, an unemployment deferment might be the right choice for you if you're having trouble finding work right now. But beware: interest accrues on all types of loans during forbearances, and on some types of loans during deferment, increasing your total debt, so ask your lender about making interest-only payments if you can afford it.

If you expect your income to be lower than you'd hoped for more than a few months, check out Income-Based Repayment. Your required payment in IBR can be as little as $0 when your income is very low. See tip 4 for more about IBR and other repayment options.

6. Stay out of Trouble! Ignoring your student loans has serious consequences that can last a lifetime. Not paying can lead to delinquency and default. For federal loans, default kicks in after nine months of non-payment. When you default, your total loan balance becomes due, your credit score is ruined, the total amount you owe increases dramatically, and the government can garnish your wages and seize your tax refunds if you default on a federal loan. For private loans, default can happen much more quickly and can put anyone who co-signed for your loan at risk as well. Talk to your lender right away if you're in danger of default. You can also find helpful information at

7. Lower Your Principal if You Can: When you make a federal student loan payment, it covers any late fees first, then interest, and finally the principal. If you can afford to pay more than your required monthly payment - every time or now and then - you can lower your principal, which reduces the amount of interest you have to pay over the life of the loan. Include a written request to your lender to make sure that the extra amount is applied to your principal! Otherwise it will automatically be applied to future payments instead. Keep copies for your records and check back to be sure the overpayment was applied correctly.

8. Pay Off the Most Expensive Loans First: If you're considering paying off one or more of your loans ahead of schedule, or trying to reduce the principal, start with the one that has the highest interest rate. If you have private loans in addition to federal loans, start with your private loans, since they almost always have higher interest rates and lack the flexible repayment options and other protections of federal loans.

9. To Consolidate or Not to Consolidate: A consolidation loan combines multiple loans into one for a single monthly payment and one fixed interest rate. If this is appealing, here are some pros and cons to consider. You can consolidate your federal student loans through the Direct Loan program, and this calculator can help you figure out what your interest rate would be. For private consolidation loans, shop around carefully for a low or fixed interest rate if you can find one, and read all the fine print. Never consolidate federal loans into a private student loan, or you'll lose all the repayment options and borrower benefits - like unemployment deferments and loan forgiveness programs - that come with federal loans!

10. Loan Forgiveness: There are various programs that will forgive all or some of your federal student loans if you work in certain fields or for certain types of employers. Public Service Loan Forgiveness is a new federal program that forgives any student debt remaining after 10 years of qualifying payments for people in government, nonprofit, and other public service jobs.  Find out more at There are other federal loan forgiveness options available for teachers, nurses, AmeriCorps and PeaceCorps volunteers, and other professions, as well as some state, school, and private programs  Student Loan

Successful Forex Day Trading

Successful Forex Day Trading
Forex day trading is a particular branch of trading which requires its own attention.  Just as there are two main styles of forex analysis there are also two perceived main methods for forex day trading.  These are typically known as ‘continuation’ and ‘reversal’.

Anyone interested in forex day trading would be well advised to study both methods and get a good grasp of each before carrying out any kind of trading.  Venturing down this road blindly or ill informed could result in heavy losses.  Once you have the knowledge, you will be able to make informed choices from which experience can be gained.     

One way of acquiring such knowledge is to seek out and take up a course dealing specifically with forex day trading.  There are other courses available too but if you are sure about your desire to go down this route then the more specifically biased course you can find regarding forex day trading, the better it will be for you.  If you want to become an expert in that field then all your attention should be focused in that direction.

If you carry out a search online, you will find many such course providers.  It might be difficult to tell which course providers are the better ones.  As with everything in life, you will find some good, some better and some best.  Reputable standards may also vary in extremes so carrying out a review of course providers may best the best route to go.  You are sure to find a forex day trading course which is right for you.

You may find that the better course providers are reluctant to make wild claims.  Common sense should tell you which claims to believe and which ones to leave well alone.  No one can teach you how to make millions of dollars over night.  Any such claims should be take with a pinch of salt, if not, then don’t take it at all.

The real experts in forex day trading will not only be trading themselves but they can really tell the full story like it is.  The aim is to always make money, but the reality is that, sometimes you will lose money too.  They are the ones best placed to advice about ways of minimizing those losses.

Once you are well armed with all the knowledge, information and useful tips, you will be well on your way to being able to make your own informed choices. A forex day trading course will help you make the right decisions.  It is only after courses and information gathering that you are able to make a decision about which method will work best for you and your situation.

Successful forex day trading can be achieved if you are prepared to put the time, effort and energy into learning all about the market, the tools, the course providers and everything else that is there to help you along the way.

Forex day trading is a popular choice with most beginners because it may appear easier and less risky but after careful research and study you may find it to be quite the opposite.  That is why it is so important to look into everything very carefully before taking the leap.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tips On Buying A DVD Drives.Purchasing a Dvd Drives Tips N Tricks

Tips On Buying A DVD Drives.


DVD drives is used with computer to read the information from the DVD-ROM. Today DVD drives have transfer rates ranging of different capacity. Buying a DVD drive is confusing task, because there are many option for this purpose are available in market. Below we have listed important considerations to look at when considering purchasing a DVD drive
Technology of DVD Drives

Before considering purchasing a DVD drives, it is also good consider the other available options.

CD-R - A CD-writer or recorder (or simply CD-R drive) is used to write data on CD-R disks. Usually, a CD-writer can read information from CD as well as write information on CD, The locally produced CD-R disks are created with CD writer. The speed of these drives is up to 52X or more.

CD-RW - You must have a CD-RW drive to write date on the CD-RW. These drives have read and write speed is up to 52X or more but the re-write speed is 10X or more. The CD-RW drive is advanced and more expensive than CD-R drive. It can write data on both CD-R and CD-RW discs and also read data from them

DVD - DVD stands for Digital Video Disk Versatile Disc. DVD-ROM is an extremely high capacity optical disc with storage capacity from 4.7 GB to 17 GB.


DVD-ROM  is an extremely high capacity optical disc with storage capacity from 4.7 GB to 17 GB. DVD disc is specially use to store movie films. It is also used to store huge database, music, complex software etc.


There are some other important considerations to look at when purchasing a computer DVD drives include:


Warranty:  How long is the warranty and what does it cover.

Support : Is the technical support number a free number is it open 24 hours 7 days a week.

Tips On Buying A CPU / Processor Tips N Tricks

Tips On Buying A CPU / Processor Tips N Tricks

Processor is considered the brain of the computer. The CPU fetches instructions of program from main memory and executes them one by one. The speed of the CPU is measured in Mega Hertz or Giga Hertz and speed from 500 MHz to 3.4 GHz, it depends upon a user needs, that is why purchasing a processor is an important consideration when building or buying a computer. There are several considerations and additional information about what to ask and look for when purchasing a processor directly or already installed into a computer.

The type of the processor can be very important consideration for users who are building a computer. The main thing in processor is the compatibility with the motherboard, Because the processor chip is plugged into the motherboard. Today there are many processor manufacturers AMD, Motorola and Intel. Final decision to buy a processor  depends upon user need for example a home or basic user can buy Intel Celeron or AMD processor. If you can afford then must go for latest processor if you want your computer to retain functionality for four to six years. When considering any of the above companies product ensure that a motherboard that is compatible with that product is also purchased. For example if an Intel motherboard is purchased or currently installed into the computer you will want to consider an Intel Processor.

Tips On Buying A CD-ROM Drives.

Tips On Buying A CD-ROM Drives. Tips N Tricks

CD-ROM drive is used with computer to read the information from the CD-ROM. Today CD-ROM drives have transfer rates ranging from 48X to 75X or more. Generally Purchasing a CD-ROM drive relatively easy task however can involve some considerations when purchasing.

Technology of CD-ROM

Before considering purchasing a CD-ROM it is also good consider the other available options.

CD-R - A CD-writer or recorder (or simply CD-R drive) is used to write data on CD-R disks. Usually, a CD-writer can read information from CD as well as write information on CD, The locally produced CD-R disks are created with CD writer. The speed of these drives is up to 52X or more.

CD-RW - You must have a CD-RW drive to write date on the CD-RW. These drives have read and write speed is up to 52X or more but the re-write speed is 10X or more. The CD-RW drive is advanced and more expensive than CD-R drive. It can write data on both CD-R and CD-RW discs and also read data from them

DVD - DVD stands for Digital Video Disk Versatile Disc. DVD-ROM is an extremely high capacity optical disc with storage capacity from 4.7 GB to 17 GB.


Today CD-ROM  drives have transfer rates or speeds ranging from 52X to 72X or more. For Example, a 52X CD-ROM drive has a data transfer rate of 7,200 KBps (i.e. 48 X 150 = 7200)or 7.2 MBps. It means that the higher the number, the faster the CD-ROM drive. This speed is generally only going to be noticeable when installing a program or copying large amounts of data from a CD.


For a CD-ROM drive, not to be confused with a CD-R, CD-RW or DVD drive can vary depending upon the speed and the interface the CD-ROM drive uses.

How to Purchasing New Compuiter Chassis Tips And Tricks

 How to Purchasing New Compuiter Chassis Tips And Tricks

Generally there are two types of Computer Case are available in market, for Example  Tower case and desktop case. The system unit of the desktop personal computer can lie flat on the desk or table and the monitor is usually placed on the system unit. An other model of the computer case is known tower. The system unit of the tower PC is vertically placed on the desk or table. But purchasing a computer case is generally not an important consideration when you are going to buy a Computer.  However it depends upon the user needs and choice to building a computer case may find it important to consider the following considerations.


        Color of Case

        Type of Case (Tower case and Desktop case)

        Size of Case

    The main and important factor is Upgrade availability in case.

    Please must consider that case have enough slots which will allow you to add additional hard disk CD-ROM, Floppy drives or other drives.

    Other main consideration is that case have the availability for slots for additional cards to be placed in. For Example VGA Card, LAN card and internal Modem.

Tips on buy a server machine | Purchasing a computer server

Tips on buy a server machine Purchasing a computer server

Server is the most powerful and fastest, and also very expensive machine. It is used to process large amount of data and to solve the complicated scientific problems.  The severs computers are used in large organization such as Banks, Airlines and Universities, that it is a big decision for organization to buy a proper server machine according to their need  Below is information and help for what to look out for when purchasing a computer server. It is important to also note that every business is unique and may require more or less of what is listed below.

Today there are two options to buy a Server computer, a new or used computer. Used computer are some time out of date, but you can buy it with very low price as compare to new computer, but I think branded or used computer are much stable than a new computer. Before purchasing a Server computer consider if you should purchase a new or used computer. Many individuals sell computer before they are out of date allow you to purchase a relatively decent computer. Before purchasing a new computer from a computer manufacture look at what is available and review the below precautions when purchasing a computer.

More Considerations

When purchasing a Server computer it is likely that you will have a general idea of what you may like in the computer or how you would like to configure the computer. Below is a listing of the various components likely to be found in a computer and recommendations and tips when considering any of the following components.


Short recommendation


            Generally there are two types of Computer Case are available in market, for Example  Tower case and desktop case. The system unit of the desktop personal computer can lie flat on the desk or table and the monitor is usually placed on the system unit. An other model of the computer case is known tower. The system unit of the tower PC is vertically placed on the desk or table. But purchasing a computer case is generally not an important consideration when you are going to buy a Computer.  However it depends upon the user needs and choice to building a computer case may find it important to consider the following considerations.



CD Media

        CD-R -always will be an important consideration to think about when purchasing a new computer or used computer. A CD-writer or recorder (or simply CD-R drive) is used to write data on CD-R disks. Usually, a CD-writer can read information from CD as well as write information on CD, The locally produced CD-R disks are created with CD writer. The speed of these drives is up to 52X or more.

        CD-RW - You must have a CD-RW drive to write date on the CD-RW. These drives have read and write speed is up to 52X or more but the re-write speed is 10X or more. The CD-RW drive is advanced and more expensive than CD-R drive. It can write data on both CD-R and CD-RW discs and also read data from them

        DVD - DVD stands for Digital Video Disk Versatile Disc. DVD-ROM is an extremely high capacity optical disc with storage capacity from 4.7 GB to 17 GB.


Hard Drive

        Hard drives have and always will be an important consideration to think about when purchasing a new computer or used computer. Hard disk is most commonly used storage device in personal computers and laptop computers. Most application programs and operation systems require hard disk for installation and operation.



        The computer processor is and will always be an important consideration when purchasing a computer. Processor is considered the brain of the computer. The CPU fetches instructions of program from main memory and executes them one by one. The speed of the CPU is measured in Mega Hertz or Giga Hertz and speed from 500 MHz to 3.4 GHz, it depends upon a user needs, that is why purchasing a processor is an important consideration when building or buying a computer. There are several considerations and additional information about what to ask and look for when purchasing a processor directly or already installed into a computer.

Tips on Buying a Desktop Computer | purchasing Home And Business computer Tips

Tips on Buying a Desktop Computer | purchasing Home And Business computer Tips

A desktop personal computer is a most popular mode of personal computer. The system unit of the desktop personal computer can lie flat on the desk or table. In desktop personal computer, is usually placed on the system unit. A Purchasing a home or business computer can be a big and sometimes costly decision. It may be important to consider whether a laptop may be a better option instead, click to find out more about laptop deals. Below is a listing of helpful suggestions for what to look for and ask when purchasing a home or business computer new or used.


Today there are two options to buy a computer, a new or used computer. Used computer are some time out of date, but you can buy it with very low price as compare to new computer, but I think branded or used computer are much stable than a new  computer. Before purchasing a computer consider if you should purchase a new or used computer. Many individuals sell computer before they are out of date allow you to purchase a relatively decent computer. Before purchasing a new computer from a computer manufacture look at what is available and review the below precautions when purchasing a computer.

More Considerations

When purchasing a computer it is likely that you will have a general idea of what you may like in the computer or how you would like to configure the computer. Below is a listing of the various components likely to be found in a computer and recommendations and tips when considering any of the following components.


Short recommendation


            Generally there are two types of Computer Case are available in market, for Example  Tower case and desktop case. The system unit of the desktop personal computer can lie flat on the desk or table and the monitor is usually placed on the system unit. An other model of the computer case is known tower. The system unit of the tower PC is vertically placed on the desk or table. But purchasing a computer case is generally not an important consideration when you are going to buy a Computer.  However it depends upon the user needs and choice to building a computer case may find it important to consider the following considerations.



CD Media

        CD-R -always will be an important consideration to think about when purchasing a new computer or used computer. A CD-writer or recorder (or simply CD-R drive) is used to write data on CD-R disks. Usually, a CD-writer can read information from CD as well as write information on CD, The locally produced CD-R disks are created with CD writer. The speed of these drives is up to 52X or more.

        CD-RW - You must have a CD-RW drive to write date on the CD-RW. These drives have read and write speed is up to 52X or more but the re-write speed is 10X or more. The CD-RW drive is advanced and more expensive than CD-R drive. It can write data on both CD-R and CD-RW discs and also read data from them

        DVD - DVD stands for Digital Video Disk Versatile Disc. DVD-ROM is an extremely high capacity optical disc with storage capacity from 4.7 GB to 17 GB.


Hard Drive

        Hard drives have and always will be an important consideration to think about when purchasing a new computer or used computer. Hard disk is most commonly used storage device in personal computers and laptop computers. Most application programs and operation systems require hard disk for installation and operation.



        The computer processor is and will always be an important consideration when purchasing a computer. Processor is considered the brain of the computer. The CPU fetches instructions of program from main memory and executes them one by one. The speed of the CPU is measured in Mega Hertz or Giga Hertz and speed from 500 MHz to 3.4 GHz, it depends upon a user needs, that is why purchasing a processor is an important consideration when building or buying a computer. There are several considerations and additional information about what to ask and look for when purchasing a processor directly or already installed into a computer.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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Bus Travel With Children Travel By Bus

Bussing Children
Taking a long bus journey with children in tow can be challenging, but with some planning, you and your child can enjoy a bus ride with a minimum of fuss and muss.

When planning your trip, try to avoid traveling on weekends or during peak tourist seasons. This will help prevent having to wait for the next bus when one is full, and give your child a chance to stretch out across seats when the bus is not crowded. For trips lasting less than half a day, consider going overnight so that your child will sleep through the majority of the ride.

Children up to age two can ride for free; however, if the bus is full, the child must be seated on your lap-- which can get uncomfortable for parent and child as the hours pass. It is worth the investment to purchase tickets for all children (usually offered at a discount). Even in the slowest seasons, one broken-down bus can mean doubling up of passengers on the next, and seats may not be available for everyone. With a ticket, even on a crowded bus, your child will be entitled to his/her own seat.

For young children, child seats or harnesses with manufacturer-approved strapping or webbing is recommended, to ensure your child will be safe and stay put for the ride. Greyhound does not provide child seats or restraining devices for children, and it is the parent's responsibility to install and remove them in seats.

Make a "goody bag" for each child that contain a variety of activities and a few nonperishable snacks and beverages. Include toys that are inexpensive and would not be missed if lost, crayons, activity booklets, etc.

For young ones who need milk for their bottles, purchase brands such as Parmalot in serving-size packages, which, due to special packaging, don't require refrigeration. If a child is still on formula, it is best to invest in the ready-to-feed 6/8 oz cans to avoid mixing, or the single-serving powder packets.

Always keep your children close at hand and in sight when changing buses, checking or reclaiming luggage, or at stop overs. For younger ones, a harness with a strap is recommended so they don't wander off in a crowd. At any stops, point out a "meeting place" your child will recognize and tell them to go there immediately if they can't find you. Keep a recent photo of each child in your carryon bag for emergencies. Immediately seek out an employee if you believe your child is lost, and don't be afraid to call for them-- loudly.

For your child's safety, point out the employees in uniform at the beginning of the trip. Tell them that, should you be separated from them at any time, they should seek out someone dressed like that, or a uniformed police officer. Tell them if they don't see anyone in uniform or can't find a counter, to seek out a mother with children (their safest bet with strangers) and ask for help. Explain to them that they are NOT to leave the terminal or go outside of the bus station for any reason-- make sure they understand that you would never leave without them and will be inside looking for them. Also make sure they understand not to play near, behind, or-- especially-- under the buses. Rehearse them to make sure they know their phone number, address, and your full name before you leave. If your child has been recently potty trained or still has occasional "accidents," make sure to equip them with Pull Ups, Goodnites, or even Depends, to avoid an uncomfortable situation. Encourage them to go to the bathroom periodically, especially after meals or having a drink, rather than waiting until the last minute, so they won't get stuck waiting for the lavatory to be free. Always escort young children to the lavatory in the back of the bus, and make sure they wash their hands with sanitizing gel or baby wipes when finished.

A roll of quarters in your pocket is convenient to have during stops so you can use vending machines, coin-operated televisions, let your child play video games, or make phone calls without dragging your child around the terminal looking for change.

Even for short stops, escort your child off the bus to take advantage of a few moments of fresh air and leg-stretching. If you stop for a transfer and have a couple of hours or more to spare, and if it is early enough, secure your luggage in lockers and take your child for a stroll around the neighborhood or a bit of sight-seeing.

Try to relax and make the ride the fun part of the trip. Give them lots of attention, play word games, tell them stories. Take the long ride as an opportunity to spend quality time with your little ones, and they will enjoy the trip all the more.

Bus Travel Tips Travel By Bus | Travel

A Guide To Cross-Country Bussing
There's something "zen" about long bus trips; being an anonymous face in the sea of travelers, being away from all the stresses and distractions of your every day life, losing yourself in a good book or allowing yourself to kick back and "zone out" as mile after mile rolls by you-- sometimes for days-- demanding patience and affording leisure time that you will rarely find elsewhere. Bus travel is inexpensive, flexible, and widely available throughout the continental US, parts of Canada and Mexico. With a bit of knowledge aforehand, your itch to wander can be satisfied on a motor coach.

Before purchasing a ticket, look into all possible options for the best deal. Students, seniors, persons in the military and children can usually ride at discounts. Companion fares offer a discount on one fare with the purchase of a full fare ticket. Advanced purchase tickets are usually cheaper than last minute. For the more free-spirited adventurer, Greyhound Discovery Passes can be purchase for virtually unlimited traveling freedom within your chosen region for anywhere from four to sixty days.

Be sure to inquire about limited time specials that might be running; even if you are making a round trip, sometimes taking advantage of sale prices on two one-way tickets can save you money. Keep in mind, however, that tickets purchased for limited sales usually have traveling limitations, such as blackout dates during which the ticket will not be honored.

Rules regarding baggage are very strict, so it is to your benefit to make certain that the amount, size and weight of your luggage are within required limits to avoid hold ups at the terminal or additional fees (contact the bus company before departure to ensure your luggage is within restrictions and get details on insurance and reimbursement policies). Carry on bags must fit in the overhead rack or under your seat. Special rules apply to such items as skis and bicycles; contact the bus company for specifications before your trip. Remember that, when transferring buses, your bags are not handled for you by employees. You are responsible for claiming your baggage when you leave one bus, keeping it with you and checking it when you board another bus.

Greyhound suggests arriving at the terminal at least an hour before departure; get there even earlier, especially when traveling during busy seasons. Seats are not assigned, and boarding is usually on a first-come-first-serve basis. The earlier you arrive, the more choice the seating options will likely be.

When choosing a seat, remember for your own comfort: the back row does not recline, and, if you plan to read while traveling at night, the very front seats do not have working overhead lights. If you like to get up and down a lot, you might want to choose an isle seat to avoid bothering any passenger that might sit next to you. If you don't like to get up and down a lot, you might prefer a window seat to avoid being bothered. In my experience, if you want to try to get two seats all to yourself so you can really stretch out, sitting on the isle seat seems to discourage others from squeezing into the window seat next to you (unless the bus fills up and they have no other options). Also remember that in coaches equipped with lavatories, the bathrooms can sometimes get-- well, rank!-- and getting stuck sitting near them can be unpleasant, to say the least.

I have always found it beneficial to befriend the bus drivers. While you're not supposed to talk to them when they are operating the coach, take a moment to chat with them before departure or during brief stops-- that way, if unexpected layovers occur, or if there is any confusion, you will find it easier to get their help or, at the very least, get information from them.

During maintenance stops, when the bus is cleaned and serviced, everyone is required to exit. You can leave your carry on bags, jackets, etc., on the coach; keep in mind though that the bus company is not responsible for anything you might find missing. At the very least, make sure everything is off the floor, as the clean up crew will mop without much concern about your personal belongings.

Any time the bus stops, know that it will depart without you if you are not back before the scheduled time. Make no mistake-- the driver will not wait for you, nor will any belongings you leave in your seat or on the overhead racks be removed. If the bus makes a stop to pick up new passengers, those already on that coach will get to reboard ahead of new people (make sure you get a reboarding ticket from your driver before exiting the coach during the stop). If you miss the reboarding call, someone just may end up in your seat, leaving you stuck at the terminal to wait for the next bus.

With unrestricted fares, you can make stopovers at any point on your route, should you decide you want to spend the day sight seeing in an interesting town, or get a room for a good night's sleep before continuing your journey. Be sure to have the driver or ticket agent make the proper notation on your ticket when doing so. Remember when re-boarding that seats are still on a first-come-first-serve basis.

If you travel with children, read our Bus Travel with Children tips.

Best odds at Gambling | Travel

What are the best odds when gambling?

Craps and baccarat offer the best shot that Las Vegas casinos give. They take the smallest percentage and are easiest to play. Blackjack is the game for those with a sharp eye and a good memory.

Worst bets: Keno, roulette, and slot machines (in that order).

Atlantic City roulette odds are better than Nevada houses but not as good as French casinos.

The best blackjack is in Las Vegas, the worst in Atlantic City.

The best craps rules are in Great Britain.

Insider's Guide to Casino Gambling

    Go in with a game plan and stick to it. Decide in advance how much money you're going to take, how much you can afford to lose, and at what point you will quit.
    Limit each bet to 1% of your original stake. That may be as little as $5 (the weekend minimum in Atlantic City). Up your bets only when you are ahead. Never bet more than 10% of the stake. If you start chasing money you've lost, the odds of going broke are much higher. That's the wrong approach to gambling.
    Don't push your luck IF you've won $100 with a given dealer and then lose $20 of your profits, back off. Take a deep breath or break for dinner. In any case, find a new table.
    Pass up the free drinks. Casinos offer them for a reason. If you lose your inhibitions, you may desert your strategy and change your betting patterns. You want to keep a clear head.

First Time Backpacking TIps | Travel

Backpacking is an enjoyable way to experience nature and access remote terrain. The folks at Camp Trails offer the following tips to help you get started:

Study a map or guide to know the terrain you'll be hiking and estimate the time it will take to arrive at your destination. Pad your estimates with extra time to account for delays.

Obtain necessary permits and reserve campsites in advance, and check local regulations to avoid fines. Know the area's weather patterns and accommodate for time of year. Always be prepared for the worst weather.

Remember, it's very easy to perspire, even in the winter, so dress appropriately in layers and be prepared for changing conditions, temperature changes at higher altitudes, and evenings. Avoid wearing jeans or cotton clothing. Wear polypropylene, wool or other breathable materials that wick moisture away and dry quickly.

Always pack rain gear.

Get to know your gear before heading out. Seam-seal the tent and familiarize yourself with its design and set-up. Learn how to operate your stove so you're not caught in the dark or the rain trying to figure it out. Know what you can carry and how long you can carry it without straining yourself. The pack shouldn't weigh more than 25 percent of your weight, so take only what you need.

At The Hotel Tips | Travel

Hotels, especially of the four and five star category are normally extremely safe; providing you with a safe in the room and at the reception area, security guards hiding around the place, and cameras that can be as much your friend as your enemy . However still things do occasionally disappear, sometimes without the owner ever knowing that they have gone.
So here are a few tips to avoid your valued possessions from taking a walk:

If the hotel has an in room safe use it and keep all your valuables in there.
However, if the safe is electronic, wipe the touch keys down before operating it with a damp cloth, and then dry it before entering your secret code. Try to do this every time you use the safe.

Also after you have keyed in your code and closed the door firmly locked on the safe. Press all the other keys /numbers that do not make up your code, and press them firmly. Doing this may set off a small alarm from the safe but it stops quickly and no one will pay any attention (!!).
The reason to do this is because certain hotels have caught their own hotel staff placing, a light oil residue or powder on to the touch keys that shows them when using a certain light what numbers were pressed. They were managing to open the safe, and one very clever thief was taking only 1 or 2 US$ from each room. Would you have noticed ? It is not a lot but in a 400 or 500 room hotel the guy was doing quite well for himself.

Never leave valuables in soft/material bags with pockets even if they are padlocked like Alcatrass
This avoids any potential of somebody simply splitting a seam to a pocket with a knife and removing select contents. This has happened to one of our friends and he never even noticed until he went into the and bag and pocket a while later.
This should also apply to luggage that you check into the airplane.

Never get drunk and invite a stranger to your room. This seems funny, indeed, but better safe than sorry.

Arriving Tips | Travel Tips

Whenever you arrive in any country, whether it be by boat, plane or whatever you are vulnerable. You have all your cash, cards, documents and anything else valuable on you right at that moment. It is even worse if you have never been there before and look like you haven't, there are always people who are willing to "help". Every precaution you take will help to avoid any potential problems. After all you do not want someone to "help" themselves to your belongings, when you have just arrived. Here are a few tips that should help.

Before leaving for your trip, try to get some prior information as to the rough layout of the airport where you will be arriving. This will help, to have a vague sense of where you should be going and where the taxis are located etc.

Whenever possible, especially in certain countries we recommend taking either the airport limousine, or a hotel pick up.

Never take a taxi that seems just to be hanging around, offering its services when there is a taxi queue available.

Try to keep your wallet and valuables safely secured in a handbag or in one of your hand luggage.

Change some money into the local currency before you depart. This gives you one less thing to worry about, and will stop you from pulling a large amount of money out at the airport arrivals.

Keep a small amount of this local currency, easily accessible in a pocket or something, and away from the majority of your well earned money. You will need sufficient for the ride into town, a tip (perhaps) and a little for unforeseen needs like toll ways or a bottle of water.

If you have not been able to find anything out about the airport that you are visiting then ask one of the airline staff, or the government tourism booth (if they have one at the airport) for some assistance, or tips on the best way of travelling.

Most countries really are very safe, but in others it is really very advisable to take to take as many precautions as possible. No matter what, the most important is that you have a great holiday.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Student Loan Consolidation Companies – Which Is The Best Company For You?

Student loan consolidation is a way for graduates to have all their student loans combined into one loan. This loan is handled by one creditor. The creditor pays the multiple loans completely leaving the student to pay for one new loan. Students no longer have any need to pay multiple student loans with separate billing cycles, dates or interest rates. They now have one loan and one interest rate, to be paid to one creditor.

when considering loan consolidation. You must do the research. First know the details of agreement, standard payments, and interest rates for each loan and creditor before looking out for a loan consolidation company or program. When picking a company or program, make it a point to compare them ; know their terms of agreement, interest rates and requirements. When you have carefully selected a company or program you feel is acceptable for you provide them the information you had gathered.

There are Fed. and personal Student Loan Consolidations. Fed Student Loan allows a student to have all their federal loans mixed into one new loan.

The government provides federal programs like :
The federal Family Education Loan Program ( FFEL ). FFEL will soon be replaced by the Direct Loan program and Pell Grant and the federal Direct Student Loan Program ( FDLP ). These programs permit students to have their loans from Stafford Loans, Fed. Perkins Loans and plus loans mixed into one Fed. loan. These are fixed-rate loans backed up by the U.S. Government, offered to students and parents.

The Fed. Direct Student Loan Program ( FDLP ) was made by the U.S. Dept of Education in effort to help parents and students with their loans.

personal Loan Consolidation is mixing private student loans into one new loan. Before considering private loan consolidation, apply for a Fed loan, the explanation for this is to better maximize Fed loans that are available. Non-public companies like Sallie Mae counsel it.

Here are several federal Loans :
Perkins Loans are financed by the government. They carry a very low interest rate but are need-based, a fiscal officer would establish if a student is eligible.

Plus Loans are for oldsters of undergraduate students. There are also Plus Loans for students also. Payments on this plan will begin once this loan is approved. Plus Loans let you take up to 10 years for repayment. Commercial banks and online banks offer plus loans for both oldsters and students.

Stafford Loans supply a low interest rate. They do not raise their interest rates any higher. Stafford loans do not need a student to pay any interest while at college and are not required to pay the loan in the six months after graduation. It offers ten years for repayment.

Here are a few personal companies that offer Loan consolidation :
Loan Approval Direct offers IRs as low as 3 percent. Reducing a student’s monthly loan to as much as sixty %.

SLM Corporation or typically named Sallie Mae. Sallie Mae offers a selection of options depending on the type of school or what education program a student would have. Such programs include Fed. Stafford Loan, Parent plus Loan, Graduate PLUS Loan, Sallie Mae Smart Option Student Loan, Continuing Education Loan and Career coaching Loan.

Citibank provides programs like CitiAssist Undergraduate and Graduate Loans, CitiAssist Health Professions ; CitiAssist Residency, Relocation and Review Loans ; and the CitiAssist Law and CitiAssist Bar examination Loans. Students receive a 0.25% IR reduction in their auto-debit payment program. These programs take up to 20 to twenty-five years to repay.

EdFed is another private company. By picking one of their plans a student can lower their regular payment by as much as sixty percent. They also provide interest-only payments. The fixed interest on EdFed is the weighted average of the IRs of the loans a student consolidated, rounded to the nearest 1/8th percent.

College Parents Guide to the 8 Types of Student Loans

College Parents Guide to the 8 Types of Student Loans

Last year at this time, we were frantically looking for information on the different types of student loans.  Unfortunately we could find bits and pieces on various websites, but nothing as complete as we needed.  This gave me the motivation to provide for others what we couldn’t find. You will, after reading this article know exactly what the 8 different types of student loans are and if you should pursue them or not.  Now, let’s start reading.

Student Loans: 8 Types

* Federal Stafford Loan (2 types: subsidized-unsubsidized)
* PLUS Federal Loans (Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students)
* Perkins Loans
* Bank Loans
* State Loans
* Additional Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
* Loans from other sources
* College Board Extra Credit Loan

You can start looking for the various types of student loans that fit your needs but you can’t apply for them until you have successfully submitted your application to FAFSA.  You will receive a Student Aid Report and that is what your lenders will base your loan on. Once FAFSA sends you your Student Aid Report (SAR) then you can start looking for the best student loans available for you and your child..

1.  Subsidized Stafford Loans - no doubt the most popular loan available today. The reason is simple- both undergraduate and graduate students have access to these government loans and they guarantee them.

***Student Loans Secrets***
These rates are for subsidized loans to undergraduate students.

  * 6.0% for the 2008-09 school year
  * 5.6% for the 2009-10 school year
  * 4.5% for the 2010-11 school year
  * 3.4% for the 2011-12 school year
  * returns back to 6.8% for the 2012-13 school year.

My wife recieved this loan, but they didn’t give her enough so she had to find another loan from Discovery Student Loans.  Our son was not granted permission for a subsizided loan and he had to get the unsubsidized loan.

One other point of interest that you need to know is that each year you will need to re-apply to FAFSA for your loans.  January 1st is the day you can submit your applications and it is first come first served.

2.  Stafford Usubsidized Federal Loan – if you do not receive a subsidized loan you’ll almost always receive one of these.  They can be long term loans but you will need to make monthly interest payements.  With our son we set up a automatic withdrawl from our checking account for 10 dollars that covers the interest and a small amount of the principal.

***Student Loans Secrets***

Students who are working while attending college, negotiate with your lender to make monthly payments and round up to the nearest tens. If your interest is 8 dollars a month pay 10 dollars which shouldn’t be that hard.  Any time you can pay on the principal the better.

3.  PLUS Federal Loans – this loan is for parents who want to pay for their childs college education and receive some tax benefits. Even if you have poor credit this might be the loan for you.  Other benefits of this loan include low interest rates and the ability to receive the entire amount of the college education.

***Student Loans Secrets***
You can negiotate repayment of your PLUS loan. Chose from graduation date repayments or start 60-90 days after the loan money.

4.  Perkins Loans - students will find out quickly that these loans are limited, but if you are having financial difficulties this is the type of loan you should look for.  You can expect competitive interest rates that are low.

***Student Loans Secrets***

Federal Perkins Loans are reported to your credit bureau.  Do it right and you will have an excellent credit rating.  Default or late on payments will spell trouble.  Be very careful.

5.  Bank Loans – search hard because you might be able to find a stafford loan through a bank, but be ready for some stuff rules and regulations.  Most students turn to banks loans only after they have been turned away by the government.

***Student Loans Secrets***

Banks might limit their loans to full time students and repayment options will be limited.  However you might find some incentives on re-payments of your student loans.

6.  State Student Loans – you will need to visit your local bank to pick up an application.  Most states offer a guaranteed student loan but the banks will adminsterd your funds.

***Student Loans Secrets***

These types of student loans are usually more expensive to borrow from when you compare them to federal loans.

7.  Additional Unsubsidized Stafford Loan - These types of student loans are determined
by the federal guidelines and are reserved for borrowers who fall into the “independent

8.  Other types of student loans – look at all your options and discuss these with your fiancial aid advisors at school.  Military dependents, corporations and businesses will offer student assistance. Don’t be araid to ask.

Additional Website Bonus

There is one place that will pay your tuition fees if you can repay them within a year.  Affiliated with around 2000 universities, Academic Management Services offer student asstance, but be ready for some expensive rates.  These funds should only be used in dire emergencies.

As you have read, each of the top 8 types of student loans offers a variety of options for those of you who need help and support.  The federal government is your best option but if you don’t quality you now have several options available.

I can’t stress the importance of submitting to FAFSA in January of each year. Once you receive your SAR then you can get down to business and find the type of student loans that meets your needs.

New Websites Does Not Get Page Rank 2011

This Post Is dedicated to all those webmasters who have put their sweat and blood in building links and posting quality content on their website but still have not got any pagerank update in 2011.I know it can be very frustrating for some and some even donot bother for the pagerank.

My website does not got any pagerank update in January 2011 and it bothered me a little bit.In terms of SEO pagerank has lost its importance but still when you do reciprocal links or oneway links for other sites at that point of time pagerank really counts.BTW I do none of them.

I have put a lot of effort in this website and was expecting pagerank of PR2-PR3 on google update but the results were not as expected.So it lead me to investigate what went wrong.On searching I found that all the websites which are older then 6-8 months have their pagerank updated and the new websites did not get any pagerank update.So,If your new website does not got any pagerank update then there is no need to panic or worry.

It seems a new policy adopted by google. Moreover if your posting quality,Unique content regularly then you might have observed increase in traffic as is the case with me.So,concentrate more on what your readers want.

Congrats to all those who got good pagerank updates and those who have not got any wait for the next update .

Best Funny Firefox Tricks

Firefox is one of best browser and there are some funny tricks that you can do with your firefox browser.These will not harm your browser and they are tested in the latest version of firefox i.e firefox 4.0

Here are Some Funny Firefox Tricks

To perform these tricks open your firefox browser and copy/paste the following in your address bar


This will show you dancing firefox.Your firefox window will automatically popup anywhere at screen.

    · chrome://browser/content/browser.xul

This will open another firefox within in a new tab.So you will have firefox within firefox.

    · chrome://browser/content/preferences/preferences.xul

This will open firefox options dialog box in new tab.

    · chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksPanel.xul

This will open your firefox bookmark manager in new tab.

    · chrome://browser/content/history/history-panel.xul

This will open your history in new tab.

    · chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul?type=extensions

This will open your extensions tab in your current window .

    · chrome://browser/content/preferences/cookies.xul

This will Open the “cookies window” inside a tab in the Firefox window.

    · chrome://browser/content/preferences/sanitize.xul

This will Open the “Clear Private Data” window inside the current tab.

    · chrome://browser/content/aboutDialog.xul

This will Open the “About Firefox” Dialog box inside the tab.

    · chrome://browser/content/credits.xhtml

This will Open a scrolling list of names. The one’s who we must thank for creating Firefox

Friday, May 13, 2011

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

10 Realistic Blogging Goals for the New Year

It’s that time of the year again when we ramp up to the New Year and start envisioning what changes we can make in our lives. Since I would imagine that your blog is an important part of your life, I’m sure many of you are looking for ways to add value to your blog. You want to make some positive enhancements to your blog as the New Year comes ringing in.

As a fellow blogger, I too am always looking for ways to improve my blog site and my blogging, for that matter. But I want to set some realistic goals that can be met. Not attaining unrealistic goals can be disheartening. For example, at my present place of employment, we had a VP of Sales who, every month, would project an unrealistic pie-in-the-sky revenue number. It was so unrealistic that the monthly revenue number was never met and eventually his words fell on deaf ears. He wasn’t taken seriously and the sales reps became disenchanted because they could never reach the goals that the VP was spouting.

So, this year, try to set some goals that are attainable. Don’t go into the New Year with the goal of hitting a Page Rank of 6 if that is unrealistic. Don’t strive for a subscriber number of 10,000 if it’s clearly not attainable. Take baby steps and try to take positive steps and maybe you’ll build some momentum in the coming year.

1. Tweak your Theme
I purchased a fully functional WordPress theme for my blog a while back and I really like it. The thing is, I’m probably utilizing a fraction of its functionality. This year I am hoping to learn more about all of the bells and whistles that my theme can do for my blog site. I’m hoping to tweak my theme in an effort to present my visitors with a new look and feel. Try not to stay stagnant with the look of your blog. Take advantage of what your theme can do for you. If you’re not happy with your current theme, there are plenty out there that you can purchase for a reasonable amount.

2. Become SEO-savvy
I am guilty of being an SEO novice. I understand the concept but I have yet to truly implement it on my blog site. We all want to rank high in the search engines and, in order to do so, we must become SEO-savvy. You could outsource and use a consultant or you could buy one of the many books out there that speak to SEO. I’m planning on buying a book and boning up on the subject.

3. Collaborate
There are many other bloggers out there in your niche. Consider a joint venture or a collaborative effort with one or many bloggers in your niche space. It may be mutually beneficial. Chances are you are already commenting on their posts. Get to talking and you might find that there could be a project you could work on together that could boost your blogs’ visibility.

4. Advertise
One of the best ways to advertise that your blog actually exists in the blogosphere is to guest post. I know that you’ve probably heard over and over that guest posting helps your blog become noticed. The reason you have heard this is because it is true. Daniel, the owner of this illustrious blog, is letting me do so with this post. I simply could not reach as large an audience without Daniel allowing me this opportunity. Seek out the larger blogs in your space and request to guest post. Don’t be intimidated. They can only say “No”. But if you are persistent and write a quality post, chances are your name and your blog link will be in lights in front of a whole new audience.

5. Outsource
I learned quickly that there are technical aspects of the blogging world of which I may not have the expertise. Instead of trying to do everything, it may behoove you to seek out a consultant who really knows what they are doing. There are many WordPress consultants who charge a reasonable fee if you want to move from one theme to another or if you just need some technical expertise. And when it comes to graphic artists, I found one to create banners for my sites and will use her to create some more images that I hope to use for marketing my online business. Outsourcing may save you a lot of time and aggravation at a nominal cost.

6. Take the time
Time management is always an issue for us blog owners. If you are not a full-time blogger and have a 9-5 job, you must take the time for your blogging. Set aside your lunch hour at your day job and devote it to your blog. Even if you are just writing your blog post in a notepad, you can then transfer it to your WordPress blog at your convenience. Writing the content is the hard part and if you can get it done on your lunch break, you’ll be way ahead of the game.

7. Take back your blog
If your blog has had some type of popularity, chances are there are other blog owners who want to guest post on your blog. This past year I got into a bad habit of publishing too many guest posts on my blog. The problem is that anyone who subscribed to your blog did so because they liked your writing. If you are constantly publishing others’ work then your regular subscribers will become disenchanted. Make it a point to keep the guest posts on your blog to a minimum. Even if you can’t post as many articles, it will be well received by your regular readers.

8. Take a break
This past year I was forced to take a break in my blogging due to a loss in my family. What I actually learned from this experience was that the break helped me revitalize my feelings toward blogging. When I eventually got back into it, I had a whole new sense of exhilaration toward writing. It is definitely worthwhile to take a break in your blogging if you feel you have become stagnant. You may find that it will really help you approach your blog in a new light when you get back into it.

9. Join a forum
I belong to a couple of forums on blogging. What I have found is that it gives me a connection to other bloggers and it also gives me an outlet to ask questions and, more importantly, to get answers. A forum will typically charge a reasonable monthly fee but it will definitely be worth it if you make it a point to participate.

10. Relax
Blogging is supposed to be fun. Hopefully this is the reason you got into blogging in the first place. So, if you can’t post on a regular posting interval, don’t let it consume you. Enjoy the experience and enjoy the process of writing. If you can only post once a month, make it a quality article. Quality over quantity should reign supreme when it comes to posting. Remember, your blog is your brand so don’t diminish what that brand means.

Try to make some positive strides in your blogging in the coming year. Enjoy the process and make the coming year a great one for you and your blog.